For many of us, the new year is a time to reevaluate our habits and improve our health. This opportunity for reflection is one reason people around the world participate in “Dry January,” a month of avoiding alcoholic beverages. While you might expect benefits such as increased energy and weight loss, many people are surprised...
Metal braces have traditionally been used to straighten crooked or crowded teeth. Sometimes these metal braces make people self-conscious. And all the wires and parts make taking care of your teeth a little more complicated. Invisalign braces were launched to help achieve the same results using clear aligners that are convenient and affordable. Depending on...
Whether you’re a student or a working professional, chances are you might sometimes feel as though you could use a bit of extra energy in your day. Maybe you're fighting off yawning in the late morning. Or maybe it’s the dreaded afternoon slump. Energy drinks can seem like an appealing solution in times like these....
Have you noticed that your gums seem to be pulling away from your teeth? Do your gums appear red and swollen? Do your gums bleed when you brush or floss your teeth? If you answered yes to any of these questions, you might have unhealthy gums. Some of the consequences of poor gum health include:...
By Harvey Passes, DDS She kisses him goodnight and turns over on her side. He turns in the opposite direction and begins to fall into the arms of Morpheus. Two hours go by, and she is rudely awakened by the disturbing sound of “sawing wood.” It’s his loud irritating snoring. She kicks him and he...
Not everyone who wants to straighten their smile has a “whole mouth issue.” Sometimes there is only one tooth that is slightly off or a gap that needs to be closed for a smile to shine its brightest. When this is the case, Invisalign aligners on only half your teeth may be the answer you’ve...
Having a straight smile is about more than just aesthetics. Yes, having straighter teeth can give you a boost of confidence. However, straightening your teeth can also have a profound impact on your overall oral health. The alignment of your teeth can impact how you bite, chew, and how your jaw is aligned. When the...
One of the biggest obstacles to getting quality orthodontic care is the cost. Patients tend to delay treatment or avoid talking to their dentist about their teeth straightening options because they are afraid orthodontic care is cost-prohibitive. Thankfully, many insurance plans cover an expanding variety of dental services, including Invisalign. Don’t let the cost of...
No two sets of teeth are identical. The alignment, position, and bite of a person are as unique as their fingerprints. That means that no two treatment plans are ever the same. When it comes to straightening a smile or repositioning a person’s bite, a dental care provider can’t take a cookie-cutter approach to solve...
Straightening teeth is a time-consuming and labor-intensive process. As such, there can be a significant cost associated with beginning orthodontic treatment to correct tooth alignment and bite issues. What dental insurance covers for orthodontic appliances can vary widely between plans. Often, those wanting to straighten their smile will ask about other payment options that may...