Dental Anxiety
Creating Stress-Free Experiences For All
Our Patients' Comfort Is Our Top Priority
Download The E-book
Download Our eBook And Learn The Secrets To Overcoming Dental Anxiety, Or Get Your Hard Copy When You Visit Us
Dr. Passes is a trusted expert in overcoming dental phobia. His eBook, Profiles in Dental Courage has everything you need to overcome your fear of the dentist once and for all. Through operating his own dental phobia clinic, he has figured out what works and what doesn’t work for dental anxiety patients and believes that everybody should have access to these life-changing secrets.
Catch the Buzz
The next time you visit with us, look for a pewter bumblebee pinned on our shirts, tops or coats.
What does this mean? We have the belief that nothing can’t be done. Or more simply, anything can be done. By the laws of aerodynamics, the industrious little bumblebee should not be able to fly- its wings are too small and oddly shaped for its overweight, rounded body. But that doesn’t stop them, so why should it stop us? Life is full of obstacles and challenges, but how you respond to them is the important part. We want to hear your stories of personal growth to feature in our newsletter, The Buzz! And let us reward your courage with a pewter bumblebee to display proudly.
Warm Welcomes To Ease Your Worries
When you’re ready, Dr. Harvey Passes and the team of experts at Passes Dental Care will be here to help you overcome your dental phobia. If you’re interested in learning more about this or one of our many other dental services, such as Invisalign, cosmetic dentistry, or general dentistry, please don’t hesitate to contact us with your questions.
Give us a call today at 516-916-5492 to schedule your appointment. We look forward to hearing from you!